At first, these blogs were a way to get a grade. But as I kept writing them every weekend it was a way for me to rant and to better myself as a writer. Becoming aware of my social media consumption changes my interactions with media by limiting myself and trying to not let it waste my time. And the whole media project has helped me to see what companies really mean in all their advertising because they could say they are giving you something when really it could just be the opposite. All advertisers want to sell you something and they'll do anything to get you to buy their product so they have to appeal to do what you want. And a lot of times companies promise something that doesn't exist or oversells you on products that you don't even need. I think media literacy is one of the most important tools you can have. This will allow you to understand the real definition of media, and you can fight back against the millions who want your attention. A better understanding of what you are constantly using will help your critical thinking skills. Another thing to be aware of is being an educated consumer, this means you know what you're buying, you know what is in the product, you know what this product can offer for you, and you know a scam when you see it. being more educated and media, consumerism, and the world of technology helped me to see past certain “fake news” that was affecting my perception of the social world. Overall doing the media blogs really made me learn a lot, and I really liked writing about the current social news that was happening around the world.

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