December 7th, 2019
As I was scrolling through my instagram I coudn't help relize all the picture perfect celeberty witer photos and how they were all trying to be copied my millions of people that wanted that cute post that all ther co-workers can envy. But this year my step mom said that we should go out in all white winter snow suits and right away I had already know what she was talking about. She wanted to mimmic Kim Kardashion's new winter fit.
And i guess that i never realized before but the winter coats and the cute pictures on instagram are all trying to advertise soming to the millions of follower. There saying, "If theses things bring your celeberties joy than, you shouldbuy it to get the same joy". what a great way and form of advertisemnet to attack the veiwer when most vunrable.
Overall I went from seeing so many famous families enjoying the snowy fun and all of the sudden an ad for Norht Face pops up on my social media page for absolutly no reason what so ever (;

Recently, I have been noticing how many celebrities have been posting pictures with their families, and I have been seeing these posts all over instagram. They honestly make me so happy, to know that even though these celebrities are so famous and obviously have very busy lives, they still have time for their families.