December 15th, 2019
Over the weekend Hallmark pulled and AD that showed same-sex marriage and many
people are completely shaming Hallmark for doing this and why not? Why would Hallmark
pull a commercial that shows same-sex marriage? Hallmark said that they pulled the
commercial because the controversy became a distraction. In the commercial two women,
Brides were talking about a wedding planning app and website that could help better
organize their wedding if they used it. And in the end, they shared a kiss. Now, what's
wrong with that? If it were a man and women would Hallmark have pulled it? Who is in
the right? Many famous stars like Ellen DeGeneres, William Shatner, Along with
Gavin Newsom The governor of California. They all had the same response they thought
that Hallmark was in the wrong and they should put back the commercial because there
was no right reason for them to remove the ad.